Monday, October 15, 2007 |
When I write, I tend to not like the parents of the hero and/or heroine to be around. Is there something psychologically significant there? But I fall into a rut like the parents were killed years ago in a car accident or something. I don't know, I just don't like spending a lot of time on what happened to the parents. I just want them gone! Hahah.
But in my current work, I've made my heroine's mother run off when he's three because the grandfather lost all his money and can no longer support them the way she likes. The hero never knew his father, so he's out of the pictures. The heroine is estranged from her father, even hates him, and her mother is off in Paris enjoying the high life.
So what's the deal with that? Why do I do it? Feel free to psychoanalyze me. Haha. |
posted @ 4:49 PM   |
Tuesday, October 09, 2007 |
It's Coming! Yes! It's my third book in my shift series Dragon Shift by A.J. Cove
Eve is an alien who is enslaved by an evil master. When her Master takes her to Earth to trap a dragon, she never imagines that Terrell will teach her what it means to feel again—and if she can trust him—free her from a life of servitude. Terrell has always been about finding the hottest shape-shifter on Earth to warm his bed. When he meets Eve, the sparks fly--literally. Eve is so hot, her hair is a constant flame of fire. Together, when they make love, they nearly burn down a forest. But will the power between them be enough to save their lives?
Not turning around, he spoke.
“So, who are you?”
Her eyes widened, and she gasped, placing a transparent hand across her lips. “Y-You know I am here?” she whispered.
He laughed and spun to face her, a cocky grin spreading across his face. “Damn. And beautiful, too. Mmm, I knew I’d smelled a sexy woman. My nose never fools me.”
A sense of panic welled within her. Her spirit jerked backward as she fought to keep concentration. “I do not understand. How can you see me? No human has ever been able to see me.”
He shrugged. “How many have you met?” He gestured toward the explosions fading behind the ship. “We’re a bit busy right now fighting a stupid war, but there might be one or two available to experiment on.”
“You jest. I need to know. How?” She paced, or, rather, floated, from a wall with a doorway probably leading below deck to the railing and back. “It is because you are part dragon, I guess. Dragons are magical creatures.”
He froze again, “How do you know that? No one, other than those closest to me, knows about my abilities. They either know me as Terrell or as the dragon come to kick their asses.” He chuckled.
“It is him. He has ways of finding out things. Knows where creatures are. I work for him. So, it is confirmed. You are here . . . Terrell.” She spoke the name softly, liking the way it rolled from her tongue. From the first time she saw his face in a device for showing such things, back on the space craft, she knew she wanted to get to know him.
“You know my name, baby. What’s yours?”
She hesitated, not sure he would approve. But it seemed harmless enough for the dragon-man to know. “I am Eve.”
He grinned again. “Eve. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Tell me, Eve, where is your real body? Surely, you’re not this ghostly all the time ’cause it would be a real shame not to be able to touch flesh and blood.”
She almost smiled for the first time in many months. “You are very interesting, Dragon. Do you always say such bold things to the women you meet? I imagine the human women like it?”
The twitch of his eye could be annoyance, but she was not sure of human expressions. “I get action when I want it. Maybe I need to school you. Then again, I have a thing for shape-shifting women. You don’t happen to transform, do you?”
She gasped, knowing he was getting back at her. So, she had insulted him. Though it was not intentional. Maybe she needed to spend more time studying the logs on other species and less time in the simulator outside her body. Then, she would know how to speak to others. But leaving her body meant freedom, and as long as the man back on shore did not prevent it, she would exercise her ability as much as possible.
“No, I am not a shape-shifter. I am not even from the same galaxy as the shape-shifters,” she admitted. “But you are one, though not naturally.”
He grunted. Somehow, she had offended him yet again.
“I did not mean to offend you, Dragon. We want to get to know you. Talk to you about your transformation and how you became as you are.” Her words were rushed, hopeful of making up for her social faux pas.
“We? Who are we?” he queried.
She bit her lip and glanced back over her shoulder. “He is on shore, waiting to meet you. If you will become a dragon and fly there, he will talk to you, tell you what he wants.”
“In case you haven’t noticed while you were floating around, we’re in a war. My friends need me, so I’m not going anywhere to satisfy some guy’s curiosity. But if you give me your number, you can be sure I’ll call to get a chance to see you inside your body.”
The grin had returned, and so had the charm. She found herself warming to his words. In the simulator, could she touch him outside her body? Could she help him leave his body? She had never wanted the man she called Master to capture another but found herself longing for more interaction with this man, something she had not allowed herself with the other captives she had met. Now was not the time. He was calling to her to return to her body. |
posted @ 5:08 PM   |
Thursday, April 19, 2007 |
I Can't Believe It!
So all the authors were chatting inside the author group for Amira Press and one author said where she works she was talking to a woman about her book that was soon to be released. So the author named Amira Press and the woman had heard of it and then she said how she remembered an author from there, A.J. Cove!
Me!! Can you imagine? So what it was only one person, but how wonderful that she knew me. She made my day! |
posted @ 10:37 AM   |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 |

Check it Out! Here is my newest book in the Shift Series. Shift Hunter is finally coming to Amira Press! Did I also mention my book Fae by Email is coming to New Concepts Publishing? Woo hoo!!!! |
posted @ 10:13 PM   |
Sunday, March 04, 2007 |
Your Fantasies
Do you ever fantasize about writing stories that you know aren't what anyone wants to read, that probably wouldn't sell well, so you just play them out in your own mind? One author said she has a love of secret pregnancies and she has to resist the temptation to write that into her stories.
For me, I dream of meek little heroines who desperately need a man to save them from the cruel world. Lol. Sometimes, I dream of him hating her for some reason initially. Maybe her brother or father has destroyed his business and now that he's fought his way back to wealth, he's seeking revenge. And the best way to hurt the male in her family is through her..
So he seduces her, makes her fall in love with him, even marries her. Then the real deal comes out. He treats her like trash for a long time. She runs away a few times and is always found by her cruel husband, who drags her back home to humiliate her at his cocktail parties and the like.
And just when she's completely broken to the point of not eating and stops talking, he realizes what he's done to her and begins to gently care for her like a loving husband should have in the first place. But this takes a very long time, maybe years since she trembles with terror every time he comes near.
Oh how I love that type of story. Sigh. But I don't write that way. I create strong, independent heroines who are not to the point of "I don't need a man", but still sassy and irreverant of their eventual mates. :)
So what about you? Do you have any fantasy stories that you keep for your own secret delight? |
posted @ 6:48 AM   |
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 |
I'm On Cloud Nine!
I just woke up to the news that NCP (New Concepts Publishing) has accepted my novella, Fae by Email. I'm so excited. I can't believe it. I was ready to give up. It's been over three months or has it been four? It's been so long, I'll have to reread it to fill out the art form and to write the blurb. Lol.
But who cares. It's wonderful news. Oh my! |
posted @ 5:59 AM   |
Friday, February 02, 2007 |
I'm Getting Excited!
On the way home from work today, I started formulating my free story. Oh how I LOVE that first part of thinking up a new story. I think I've said before if I could do the synopsis of my stories only, I'd die a happy woman! That's the fun part.
I was determined to do a vampire story for the first time and I think I'm starting to get something. Do I reveal what I'm thinking? Do I keep it quiet until the 14th or at least until I actually write something? Hmm, I just don't know.
Ok, here's a little bit. I haven't gone too far with the idea. I just finished cooking dinner and am finally able to sit down to the computer. I can't even believe this is the second post I've done this week. What's the world coming to? I've been so slack lately.
Oh yeah, the story. This is weird too because usually I come up with the name first or somewhere in the beginning processes. Hmm. I have an ordinary guy. He's not a jock. He has no real social skills, not amazing to look at in any way. It would be something if he was at least a nerd. Then he could lay claim to having a genius' mind or something near it. Nope, he's Mr. Average.
Mr. Average (I don't know his name yet) is in love with a woman who doesn't know he exists. Isn't that just always the thing? So sad. Now, you might think the woman is the heroine right? Nope. She's not.
The heroine is a friend of Mr. Average's love interest. In fact, Mr. Average spends his pointless days chasing after Ms. Heroine (don't know her name either) trying to convince her to help him get noticed by his lady love. Dang, he's pathetic.
But Ms. Heroine is busy planning her wedding. She's in the perfect relationship. Her fiance is a wonderful man, with money and good looks. They've been together for years. What more could she want? If you're thinking she's secretly bored with him, you'd be wrong. Haha. She's happy, content. Really.
But one interesting night all of that changes drastically. Somebody becomes a vampire. How does that happen and who is it? Wouldn't I like to know. I haven't thought it up. But you can read it for free when/if I actually get it done in time for V-Day. Wish me luck.
-AJ |
posted @ 7:07 PM   |