Saturday, December 02, 2006 |
 She's Got Legs, What About Me?
I just finished reading Amanda Brice's chicklit story and let me tell you, Amanda can write! I loved it. The heroine, Daria, was so firey and funny. I felt like I was peeking into her life, she seemed so real. And I love being nosy.
So I laughed on through until I got to Daria's love interest. His view of Daria had me wishing I had those incredible legs you see on the cover. I think if I bent over to pick something up, the men wouldn't be lusting, they'd be running before my butt sucked them up. Ok, I'm exaggerating. Haha.
But, this was my first clicklit and I'm glad I chose it. WTG, Amanda.
-AJ |
posted @ 12:27 AM   |
This was a great book!
With Love, Tara M.
Sounds good, AJ. Do you recommend any other authors?
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This was a great book!
With Love,
Tara M.