Today I am interviewing Princess Doshi Lagrin of the Glamdire Kingdom. Let's see if we can get an idea of what this naughty miss has been up to in The Invisible Rose.
 AJ: Doshi, why would you have an affair with your sister's fiance?
Doshi: Well, he wasn't really her fiance. The agreement papers hadn't been signed. Besides, Gabriella only cares about getting a new lover. She didn't care if Tarin took a lover, and after all I was invisible. That skill gave me such interesting ideas. I had to try them out.
AJ: What's Prince Tarin like?
Doshi: He's the kindest man I've ever met. He pays attention to me and listens to what I have to say. Aside from that, he is a prince and his body (blush) is what I've always dreamed of. How did I know he would be in the bath when I first visited his room without him knowing?
AJ: What kind of mischief did you get up to while invisible?
Doshi: Being able to be invisible made me more visible, if you can understand that reasoning. I could be bold and take the things I'd only longed for previously. When I saw Prince Tarin standing there in the middle of that ballroom, I couldn't resist getting closer. It was the invisibility that made me do what I did.
And it will be a while before the maids calm down, but a princess has to have an outlet sometimes. Correct posture, correct clothes, correct everything gets wearying. Tarin agrees with me. You should see what he does when he thinks he's alone in his rooms (BIG GRIN).
AJ: Last question. So, did you get the guy or what?
Doshi: I'm not telling. You'll have to read my story to find out. But I will say that there are a couple of cute surprises at the end of the book.
Well there you have it. If you're interested in learning more about Doshi's antics, pick up a copy of my book The Invisible Rose from Cobblestone Press.
-AJ (PS, I'd be happy to feature an interview with your character on my blog. Just send me an email at
What an original idea!!! I've seen interviews with editors and authors but NEVER characters!!! I love it!!! So, I'm gonna have to remember that when my novella is released!!! What a great idea!
With Love,
Tara M.
PS: Happy Thanksgiving!