Sunday, November 26, 2006 |
Me And My Shadow
Ok, I admit it, I just typed in the first title that popped into my head. I've been running ragged and having bad things happen to me this weekend. I don't know which way I'm headed next. I hope it can only get better from here.
I'm working on the sequel to Shift for Hire. That's my best selling novella so far. I wish I knew why. I'd duplicate it in everything I wrote from here on out.
The sequel is entitled, Shift Hunter and is roughly about a woman who is half shapeshifter and half human. She is the most wanted rebel in the Shift resistance against new government laws that take away Shift rights. Though she has sided with the Shifts, they do not fully accept her and the humans resent her for her shapeshifting abilities and Shift blood. Needless to say, she doesn't belong anywhere.
But Caelyn Stevens hates humans, or at least their skin. She turned off by the fact that humans have porous skin, while Shifts' skin has no tiny holes at all. It's flawless. She also has an anger problem which gets her into trouble more often than not, with the government and with her Shift rebel leader.
So, when the government doesn't know what to do to capture Cae, they hire a man known as Shift Hunter. Antony (Tony) Maddox is as much of an outsider as Cae is, but his is by decision. He lives a lonely life, working endless hours tracking down criminal Shifts every day. His hatred of Shifts is a well-known fact.
How in the world will I bring these two together? Can a woman be attracked to a man whose very skin repulses her and whose job it is to bring her in by any means necessary? Can a man want a woman who has openly declared her intentions of destroying the company and the man who's backed all laws against Shifts?
He stands for everything she hates. She stands for everything he hates.
It will be so much fun finding a way to unite them.
-AJ |
posted @ 10:33 PM   |
It'll come to you when you least expect it! That's how a lot of my ides come to me, bad thing is most of the time I'm sitting at my desk at my day job and have to yank out paper and write it down so I don't forget!
Good Luck!
With Love, Tara M.
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It'll come to you when you least expect it! That's how a lot of my ides come to me, bad thing is most of the time I'm sitting at my desk at my day job and have to yank out paper and write it down so I don't forget!
Good Luck!
With Love,
Tara M.