Now that it's getting colder in Baltimore, I miss the summer when my kids and I sailed to St. Thomas. Where did the warmth go? Today, my thirteen year old went off camping, leaving my ten year old lonely without his brother. Now I've been his playmate and let me tell you, I miss my older son! I love my child, but I really can't bear to hear another discription of what spongebob did or what happened on pokemon. Somebody help! And this is only the first night. Needless to say, I can't do much writing tonight. I can't concentrate. Okay, that's just an excuse. I'm feeling lazy. Tomorrow is a new day. :) |
I thought that picture was of St. Thomas. We were there in Feb of 2005. My sister sailed from US to the bahamas a few years ago and loved it. Not sure I would be able to do it on anything less than a huge boat.